Thursday, June 29, 2006

Early morning ride

I met a co-worker of mine this morning at 6:45 a.m. for an early pre-work ride. Our route was down the Mt. Vernon trail all the way to the first President's estate and then back again.

At mile 8 we were turning a corner on a wooden bridge at about 18 mph, I was in the lead with Mike closely behind. As I turned the corner I didn't see the very wet patch of wood in front of me. Next thing I know my bike is sliding out from under me and I am violently crashing into the ground. I was so disoriented that I didn't even realize Mike had crashed too. We both laid there in the middle of the path for about 30 seconds just moaning. Then we slowly got up, dusted ourselves off, checked out our bikes (which miraculously were unharmed save a few dings) and then got back on the way. I have a few bumps and bruises but I am fine.

I told Mike I wish I had video of that spill, because it would not doubt be hillarious!

37.4 mph
2 hrs 35 mins

Avg 14.4
Max 25.3

Odometer 1118

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