I got out this morning for a very short ride. I left the apartment at around 10:00 and the rain started pouring down shortly thereafter. It was very dreary so I only did three laps at Haines Point. Liz was running down there so I got a ride in the car back with her.
12.4 Miles
Avg Speed:15.3 MPH
Top Speed:24.1
Total Time: 49mins
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Saturday, January 28, 2006
The Crossing
Today was the perfect riding weather not too windy and fairly warm. I decided it was time to add some real mileage and attempted a 50 mile ride to Washington's Crossings on the Delaware River. Cynda took me to the drop off point about 5 miles from my house down a busy two lane road.
The ride didn't start off the best as the route I was going to take had a detour because the bridge was out. Luckily the detour was well marked so I was able back track to River Road (called that because it runs along the Delaware River). Unfortunately though I had to alter course again as the other bridge I was going to take was also out (still a reminder of the heavy flooding that occurred along the Delaware in recent months). So I completely changed directions and rode through New Hope to Washington's Crossing.
On the first leg I was averaging about 16.4 mph but 40 miles in I really began to feel the hills and the wind in my face. I didn't make 50 but here's what I ended with.
Ride Stats:
Wind: 5-10 mph
Temp: 45-61 Degrees
Distance: 47.1 Miles
Time: 3:10:26
Max Speed: 32.4
Avg. Speed: 14.8
Distance to 3500: 82 miles
To Mt. Vernon and back
Got lucky again this weekend. The temp outside was 56 degrees today and the sun was shining. Perfect riding weather...
I left Capitol Hill around 1:00. Jesse came on the ride today too. We headed across the Potomac and then down to Mount Vernon and then back. The ride was great...super nice weather and steady cruising (although the trails were crowded b/c of the nice weather).
38.2 Miles
AVG speed: 14.4 MPH
Top Speed: 29.8 MPH
Total Time: 2Hr 38 min
Sunday, January 22, 2006
The 100 mile mark
Today I got out for a ride. I had no motivation whatsoever except to break the 100 mile on my odometer. By mile five I had done that and the wind and cold were getting to me. I did two laps at Haines Point and decided to head back to my warm apartment to watch NFL playoffs.
Ride Specs
13.0 Miles
Avg. Speed 14.9 MPH
Top Speed: 28.0 (on the flats during a sprint at Haines Point)
Total Time: 52 Min
Ride Specs
13.0 Miles
Avg. Speed 14.9 MPH
Top Speed: 28.0 (on the flats during a sprint at Haines Point)
Total Time: 52 Min
Saturday, January 21, 2006
It feels like April

Today it was 60 degrees out, so I had to take advantage of it. I convinced my good buddy Jesse (pictured) to ride with me today. He rode the beast -- the old trek 1000 (also pictured). He handled it well.
We left Capitol Hill at around 11:00 and headed for the 14th St. bridge to cross the Potomac and ride in Virginia. We did an 18 mile loop in VA before crossing back over to take a lap at Haines Point. We booked it around the 3.2 mile loop averaging 22 mph until Jesse wussed out on the last leg.
Felt good to get out and not be hunkered down with all the winter gear...
Ride Specs
27.7 Miles
Avg. Speed 13.7 MPH (Jesse's fault ;))
Top Speed: 38.3 (heading down trail from Ballston)
Total Time: 2H 1Min
Why do people walk where I ride?
Today I finally got in an outdoor ride. When I started the temprature was 44 degrees with prevailing winds of 10-20 mph. Why does it always seem you never can get a tailwind when riding a bike? The winds were particularly bad when crossing the dam. A few times I could feel the winds pushing my bike out from under me. I had planned to do three laps of Peace Valley Park and then ride to the Worthington Farm but I ate a goo and ran out of water around 1:10 into it. In exchange I just did the three hilly loops and took the long(even hillier)way home from the park.
As usual there were lots of people walking in the park which is wonderful except inevitably they take up both sides of the path. Oh well, all in all a great gift to be outside in late January. It looks like the week ahead could hold some riding weather...we'll see.
Ride Stats:
Time: 1:25:21
Temp:45-54 degrees
Max Speed: 36.6 mph
Avg. Speed:14.5(People, People Everywhere)
Total to 3500: 34.9 only 99% more
Monday, January 16, 2006
Things that suck when you ride: Cold, Wind, Darkness
So I somehow motivated myself to get out of the apartment this afternoon and ride. Exhausted from the long weekend with grandparents, brother (and wife) and friends all in town, I was not much in the mood to do anything but sit on the couch and mentally prepare myself for work tomorrow. But I did get out.
Earlier in the day it was still, sunny and around 45-50 degrees. When I left the apartment at 3:39 that all changed...
The sun went behind an enormous cloud and never came back. I was wearing the dark sun glasses so visibility became an issue. Then the wind kicked up...sucks. Then, as a result of the wind and the loss of sun, temps dropped into the 30's.
3 miles into the ride I knew it would be a short one.
I headed down towards the potomac. I did one loop at Haines Point and then proceeded all the way down to the Lincoln then back up to Capitol Hill. That was enough for me today. Pathetic I know...
Ride Specs:
12.7 miles
Avg. Speed: 16.0 mph
Top Speed: 30.3 mph (down Capitol Hill on Constitution)
Total Time:47:55
Saturday, January 14, 2006
19.4 miles, unseasonable temps
Not sure what is going on with the weather, but yesterday it was 60 degrees outside. This was a long week in which I worked my tail off, so I felt given the unseasonable temps and the fact it was Friday afternoon, I was entitled to skip some work...so I did.
I went down to Haines Point again and did 4 laps. There was a group of riders out there cranking it so I hopped on with them for two laps at which we averaged 22 MPH.
Ride Specs:
19.4 miles
29 MPH Top Speed
Average 16.1 MPH
Total Time: 1hr 13mins
I went down to Haines Point again and did 4 laps. There was a group of riders out there cranking it so I hopped on with them for two laps at which we averaged 22 MPH.
Ride Specs:
19.4 miles
29 MPH Top Speed
Average 16.1 MPH
Total Time: 1hr 13mins
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Sunday ride in DC
I managed 21 miles today. The temp was pretty mild (44 degrees) so I warmed up quickly.
I rode from my apartment on Capitol Hill down to Haines Point on the Potomac. I did the 3.4 mile loop around Haines point 4 times and then headed down to the Lincoln monumnet, then back up to Capitol Hill.
There were a lot of other riders out there for it being mid-winter.
In total I was on the bike for 1 hour and 16 minutes. It went quickly because I had my iPod and audiobooks. Today I listened to four chapters in Mere Christianity. No matter how many times you read that book, you learn something new.
My max speed today was 25 mph. My average was 16.1 (4 miles of city traffic doesn't help that).
I am now 1/100th of the way toward the 3500 mile goal. I am at 35 right now.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Tomorrow I ride
I plan to get 20-30 miles under my belt tomorrow morning. So long as I don't drink too much of this tonight.
The Magneto Ride
The 3500 miles Tim and I agreed to are all outdoor miles. That didn't stop me from getting prepared for the long distance spring/summer rides by picking up the Cycleops Magneto (Christmas Present). I just finished my first 45 minute Spinerval tape and I can say it was one of the best workouts I've ever had.
Cynda on the otherhand was none to happy to find my muddy bike in the middle of the living room spinning away. After a while I convinced her to stand next to me and scream and clap like I was Floyd Landis on the Tour. Our maybe that was just a dream...
Monday, January 02, 2006
The Peace Valley Ride
Sunday, January 01, 2006
New Years Day: 14 freezing cold miles

What better way to work off the New Years hangover than a freezing cold bike ride in Doylestown PA.
Today's ride :
A measly 14.4 miles on the way to 3500. I think we would have done more, but neither of us could feel our feet after mile 10. The fact that Meffen has yet to buy real winter gear only exacerbates the problem.
40 degrees was the stated temp, but I am certain it was colder. The sky was overcast and threatening to spit...
5-10 mph winds were constant. Not enough to ruin the ride but enough that you knew they were there.
All in all, we were only on the bikes for a little over an hour (it would have been less if I didn't have to slow down to wait for James every mile), but we put a tiny dent in our 2006 goal of 3500 road miles in one year despite the late night:

Perhaps this is why I was constantly waiting on James during the ride...I will leave that one alone.

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