Today I finally got in an outdoor ride. When I started the temprature was 44 degrees with prevailing winds of 10-20 mph. Why does it always seem you never can get a tailwind when riding a bike? The winds were particularly bad when crossing the dam. A few times I could feel the winds pushing my bike out from under me. I had planned to do three laps of Peace Valley Park and then ride to the Worthington Farm but I ate a goo and ran out of water around 1:10 into it. In exchange I just did the three hilly loops and took the long(even hillier)way home from the park.
As usual there were lots of people walking in the park which is wonderful except inevitably they take up both sides of the path. Oh well, all in all a great gift to be outside in late January. It looks like the week ahead could hold some riding weather...we'll see.
Ride Stats:
Time: 1:25:21
Temp:45-54 degrees
Max Speed: 36.6 mph
Avg. Speed:14.5(People, People Everywhere)
Total to 3500: 34.9 only 99% more
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