What better way to work off the New Years hangover than a freezing cold bike ride in Doylestown PA.
Today's ride :
A measly 14.4 miles on the way to 3500. I think we would have done more, but neither of us could feel our feet after mile 10. The fact that Meffen has yet to buy real winter gear only exacerbates the problem.
40 degrees was the stated temp, but I am certain it was colder. The sky was overcast and threatening to spit...
5-10 mph winds were constant. Not enough to ruin the ride but enough that you knew they were there.
All in all, we were only on the bikes for a little over an hour (it would have been less if I didn't have to slow down to wait for James every mile), but we put a tiny dent in our 2006 goal of 3500 road miles in one year despite the late night:

Perhaps this is why I was constantly waiting on James during the ride...I will leave that one alone.

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