The past couple of rides have involved some unusual run ins with the animal kingdom. Today, at mile 23, I had to stop my bike to let the jersey cows cross the road. What was more amazing than having to stop for the crossing was the fact that in a short 2 minutes or so I watched as cow after cow pummeled the road ahead with certain "obstacles".
On Wednesday's ride, I failed to mention that I was nearly impaled by a velvet 6 point buck running across a soybean field. Out of the corner of my eye I saw something moving quickly across the field and this buck was sprinting and not looking in either direction. I slammed on my brakes and actually waved down the minivan coming the option direction which didnt see him. The deer just flew across in front of mye and the minivan, never looking. The driver looked at me and we both started laughing. These are things I am pretty sure I won't experience when I'm in DC.
This week's ride mileage comes to 123.4, and if I want to make 3500 that's about the pace I need to keep.
Here are todays Stats:
Trip: 31.3
Time: 2:04:32
Max 31.4
Avg. 15.0
Odometer 631.4
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