Friday, June 30, 2006

Short ride...

I went out for a short ride after work just to ensure I had 100 miles for the week under my belt before tomorrow (in case for some reason in the travel to the Poconos tomorrow morning I end up with no time to ride).

12.8 miles
53 mins
Avg 14.2
Max 23
Odometer 1131

My legs are beat...not sure why, but I had no energy.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Early morning ride

I met a co-worker of mine this morning at 6:45 a.m. for an early pre-work ride. Our route was down the Mt. Vernon trail all the way to the first President's estate and then back again.

At mile 8 we were turning a corner on a wooden bridge at about 18 mph, I was in the lead with Mike closely behind. As I turned the corner I didn't see the very wet patch of wood in front of me. Next thing I know my bike is sliding out from under me and I am violently crashing into the ground. I was so disoriented that I didn't even realize Mike had crashed too. We both laid there in the middle of the path for about 30 seconds just moaning. Then we slowly got up, dusted ourselves off, checked out our bikes (which miraculously were unharmed save a few dings) and then got back on the way. I have a few bumps and bruises but I am fine.

I told Mike I wish I had video of that spill, because it would not doubt be hillarious!

37.4 mph
2 hrs 35 mins

Avg 14.4
Max 25.3

Odometer 1118

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The roads are a mess

After days of monsoon-like rain, the weather finally let up. I was able to get out this evening for a decent ride. All along the Potomac the land was swampy and the bog like smell was putrid. The Potomac itself was high and very brown. It was a mess from the weather.

31 miles
1 hr 56 mins
Avg 15.5 mph
Max 29 mph
Odometer: 1080

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Sunday, June 25, 2006

A steamy twenty

(View of the Washington monument from Haines Point loop)

There was a brief break in the deluge of rain this afternoon that I was able to take advantage of. I went down to Haines Point to do 4 laps in the super thick I was riding a 50 year old (my guess) woman passed me on the left at a good speed. She then slowed down and asked if I could draft for a minute and tell her how fast she was going (her bike was a brand new Cervelo time trial bike and she hadn't installed a computer on yet). I obliged as she proceeded to speed up to a 27 mph pace for almost a mile.


She then slowed down a few ticks and I felt that I had to save some face -- I pulled up beside her to comment her on her pace as I tried to hide the fact that I was pretty dang winded.

We rode the next 2 miles together and she told me about a couple group rides that I should participate in around the area. This one that she recommended looks promising...and according to this speedy woman, "they will slow down every 10 miles or so to let the people who get dropped catch up." I assume she recognized that that may likely be me...hahaha. Apparently the ride is hilly though, but according to my brief riding partner today, "hills are the only way to get stronger."

20.5 miles
1 hr 15 mins
Avg 16.2
Max 29.3
Odometer 1050

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Sorry excuse for a ride

I had planned on doing a 65 miler today, but the east coast is getting socked with rain. I managed only 11 miles...but at least its mileage.

11.2 miles
46 mins
Avg 14.5
Max 28.4
Odometer 1030

Friday, June 23, 2006

No energy at all...but I broke 1000 (finally)

I went out on a ride after work today. I wanted to try to crank out a lot of miles because the weather is threatening to nix weekend riding plans. But, I had no energy. My legs were pretty burned from sprinting down at Haines Point last night.

It was kind of cool towards the end of my ride. I was on the Potomac and a summer storm was rolling in. There wasn't a soul out there but me...almost eerily quiet save the wind wipping in the storm clouds.

21.4 miles
1 hr 31 mins
Avg 14.1
Max 25.7
Odometer 1018

Thursday, June 22, 2006

28 miles

This evening I went down to Haines Point and rode laps with a group of about 50 riders...great exercise with the sprints on the backside of the loop.

27.5 miles
1 hr 34 mins
Avg 17.5
Max 33.8 (on the flats in the group)
Odometer 997

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Tuesday ride

It was super hot today, and friggin windy...ugh. I did get out for a 20 mile ride though.

20.1 miles
1 hr 22 mins
Avg 14.6
Max 26.1
Odometer 969

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Quick ride -- done in time for the US Open

I was going to ride another long one today, but there was just too much good stuff on tv. I watched Brazil whoop up on Australia today and then I headed out on a shorter ride because I wanted to be home to watch the end of the US Open -- which, incidentally, is being broadcast in pristine HD tv right now. At this point, Mickelson has a 2 stroke lead with 4 to play.

My ride this afternoon was different. I rode 4 laps at Haines Point and then went to Old Towne. After that I rode over to Virginia and met Liz and her friend's pool. The dip felt nice after riding in 95 degree weather.

26.1 miles

1 hr 45 mins
Avg 14.8
MAX 33.9
Odometer 949

UPDATE: Mickelson choked...double bogey on 18 to lose the championship.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Saturday ride

I was down with a miserable cold and fever on Thursday and Friday so I couldn't ride. I had to make up for it today. I rode down to Mt. Vernon and back and then finished off a 50 miler down at Haines Point.

50.5 miles
3 hrs 26 mins
Avg 14.6
Max 27.1
Odometer: 923

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Riding sick -- Stats Roundup

I felt miserable all day today...sore throat, sniffles, throbbing head and general lack of energy. I didn't think I would get out for a ride tonight. But when I came home from work around 6:00 I realized I couldn't spend the entire evening in front a computer screen. I had already done that all day working on my column for tomorrow.

I decided to go out for a ride open this balmy, generally gross night.

16 miles is 16 miles. It was the product of three laborious laps at Haines...ugh.

15.9 miles
Avg 15.9
1 hr
Max 29
Odometer 872

That puts me at 84 miles for the week with Thursday, Friday and Saturday rides coming up.

Footnote: Here are some monthly stats (I rounded up so this is a few miles over)...

June (so far): 226
May: 142
April: 219
March: 83
February: 43
January: 172

Two thoughts:
1 - Good for me in January given the temps.
2 - Bad for me pretty much every other month, especially May. It was that dang 3 day Memorial Weekend full of beer, char-grilled meat and NCAA lacrosse.

Monday, June 12, 2006

5 days in a row

I followed up on yesterday's mammoth ride with a leisurely ride with Liz after work. The slow pace was needed to wake my legs back up.

18.1 miles
1 hr 19 mins
AVG 13.7

Max 26
Odometer: 856

Sunday, June 11, 2006

A half century

James and I hit the trails today determined to ride 50 miles...we did. At mile 25 I was in trouble. Maybe it was the beer from the night before or the general lack of sleep from a busy weekend but I was hurting. We stopped and refueled with gummy bears and power bars. After that, I was good to go. In fact, I was riding with more energy on mile 45 than I was on mile 5.

We did the VA loop starting from Capitol Hill and then took the Capital Crescent trail (above) north to Bethesda. We finished off our 50 by completing three laps down at Haines Point. Next up is a 75 miler. After that, the century.

50.6 miles
3 hrs 36 mins
AVG 14.1

Max 37
Odometer: 838

Saturday, June 10, 2006

100 mile week

Got out for a brief ride yesterday with Meffen. The ride was enough to put me over the 100 miles mark for the week.

14.9 miles
1 Hour
Avg 15
Max 26.2
Odometer 786

Friday, June 09, 2006

On pace for a decent week

This afternoon I rode to Old Town and back. The 18 mile trip was slow going, as I was still a litle tired from last night's sprints and I didn't want to wear myself out for tomorrow's ride. Including today's ride I have 85 miles under my belt this week with one ride to go.

To attain 3500 I am gonna need to start stringing successive weeks like this together.

17.7 miles
1 hr 13 mins
Avg: 14.5
Max: 29
Odometer: 771

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Thursday night ride at Haines Point

I headed down to Haines Point after work to join the other riders who congregate there every Thursday night. We had a group of about 50 riders cranking out laps. I rode 5 laps with the group and unlike last week I did not get bounced. I was sure to keep a wheel the whole way around so as not to get dropped. Granted, I was not leading the group at all but hey...I am still a newbie.

25.7 miles
1hr 29 mins
Avg: 17.4 (21 on the laps)
Max 32 (on the flats at Haines Point)
Odometer: 754

This was a great workout...I plan to ride enough over the next two days to make this a 100 mile week.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Monday ride

I hit up Haines Point tonight for an after work workout.

Ride stats:
18.7 miles
1 hr 12 mins
Avg 15.5
Max 29
Odometer 728

Sunday, June 04, 2006

The Pentecost Ride

Being that today is Pentecost I decided I would try for a half century ride. Actually, that's not true I was planning on riding today but it had nothing to do with the Liturgical Calendar and I didn't decide to do 50 until I was already in the saddle.

I did however plug in a couple sermons into the ipod on the gift of spirit and mixed them with a little radiohead and lo and behold I got through it; although at one point it looked like it was threatening to storm on me and I had to think how tragically comedic it would be if I were struck by lightening while listening to Mark's Gospel describing the descent of fiery tongues on the apostles. Yes, that is strange thought.

The ride was very excruciating(as I type this I am icing my quads); At about mile 38 I had to overcome the psychology of the half century. My mind was telling me I couldn't do it and I would end up in a ditch passed out if I tried it. Being the moron I am I disagreed and pressed on. At about mile 42 I was out of sports drink and had no goo. Luckily, I happened passed a little country store and got some gatorade and gummy bears. This took me through 50 pretty easily although my body was none too pleased by what I had done to it.

Overall, this was a great ride. I realized while I was out on the country roads that I will miss this area and the people. Fortunately, I know that we will be trading in this place for a new place with a new set of experiences and people to enrich our lives. That doesn't mean I won't miss living in the country...


Distance: 51.1
Time: 3:13:42
Max: 33.9 (Wasn't paying attention where this occurred)
Avg: 15.7 (Actually got faster by .2 in the last 10 miles)
Odometer: 396.5

One fifth of the way there

Last night we went out with some friends and didn't end up getting in till 3:30 in the morning. As a result, I was in no mood to ride today...but I went out anyway.

It was a breezy sometimes gusty day. I rode the VA loop so half the time the wind made life miserable.

Also today on the ride I surpassed the 700 mile mark -- meaning I am only 1/5 of the way there. Gonna have to giddyup...

Stats: 23.4 1hr 36 min Avg 14.5 Max: 40.5 (on the Custus trail parralelling 66) Odometer 709

Friday, June 02, 2006

Recovery Ride

Yesterday's sprints down at Haines Point took their toll on my legs. They felt like dead weight all day. Neverthless, I mustered the motivation to get some more miles under my belt this afternoon/evening.

After work I headed out on a ride, content to cruise slowly so as not to bonk early because of the dead weight legs. I ended up averaging a decent 15 mph -- not bad for a recovery ride. I forgot to set my computer till 1.5 miles in so the below stats will be a little bit off.

21.8 miles
1 hr 21 mins
Avg: 15 mph
Max: 26.5
Odometer: 686

I should break the 700 mile mark tomorrow if I can find time for a ride. Liz and I have to check in THF interns from 11:00-5:00.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Pacelining makes miles easier

So I jet out of work ten minutes early on a steamy Thursday evening to get in what I think will be the quickest of rides. A meager 10 miles -- enough to take one leg off what promises to be a mammoth weekend -- was my goal...just enough to get the blood pumping.

I get down to Haines Point intended to do one lap and go home. But to my pleasant surprise, it is the fabled Thursday ride night at Haines Point. This is the night that hundreds of DC area riders show up and ride together in a paceline that speeds past singles with ease.

I joined the paceline and averaged 23 mph over 9.6 miles -- 3 laps. Tons of fun...


17 miles
1 hour

AVG: 17 mph

Max: 32.4 (on a flat in the paceline)

Odometer: 664