Well, I finally finished! My weekend riding took me right up to my goal of 3500 miles. I now am free to sit back and enjoy the holiday season without worrying about when and how I will get my next ride in.
This experience has been a great one for me. I learned that I can actually make a New Year's resolution and follow it through to the end...over the course of a year no less. That is very satisfying.
I also learned that for me, sometimes it takes the weight of a personal commitment hanging over my head to actually be productive. I can't tell you how many days this year I would have much rather sat on my butt at home than go out on a cold lonely ride after work.
Not that every ride was cold and lonely. Much to the contrary. The majority of the time I spent on my bike this year (233 hours assuming a 15 mph pace -- that is almost 10 straight days of nonstop riding or 4.5 hours of riding every week of the year) was time well spent. I listened to many Alistair Beggs sermons on my iPod, a couple C.S. Lewis books, 1776 by David McCullough and some others.
I also shaired great conversations when I was lucky to be joined by friends and family including my buddies James, Jesse, MAC and of course Dad (who got me over the winter hump and in position to finish a little earlier than I had anticipated). And Liz should get some credit for loggin at least a couple hundred miles with me!
And, of course, the solitude on many a beautiful day was a refreshing time to think, clear my head and pray.
Time well spent.
So what now?
I will of course keep riding, and keep logging my rides here. I am considering shooting for a higher number next year but at present work looks to be taking up more of my time in the past so I may have to reconsider that. We will see. I guess it all depends on if I have that one-too-many glass of champagne this New Year's!
After all, that's how this whole thing got started!
Congrats, man! Must be gratifying.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! What an accomplishment. Merry Christmas.
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